Building vtkFLTK (release 0.6.1)

$Id: Building.html,v 1.4 2004/08/03 00:40:33 xpxqx Exp $

Procedure  (POSIX environments)
  1. Setup
  2. Prepare
  3. Configure
  4. Build
Summary  (POSIX environments)
Procedure  (Windows environments)
Procedure   (POSIX environments)
  1. Setup
    1. Get your kit together. You'll need the following.
    2. Acquire the latest vtkFLTK source release
      $ mozilla
    3. Unpack the vtkFLTK source archive
      $ gzip -dc vtkFLTK-0.6.1.tgz | tar -xvf -
    4. Create the build directory (out-of-source builds are preferred)
      $ mkdir vtkFLTK-build
      $ cd vtkFLTK-build
  2. Prepare
    • using Installed CMake, VTK, and FLTK
      Simply ensure installation of a cmake executable and the VTK and FLTK libraries.
    • using Built, but not installed, CMake, VTK, and FLTK (example code illustrates both csh and bash usage)
      Locate the CMake executable.
      csh $ setenv CMAKE_EXE ../kitware/cmake-1.8.2-build/bin/cmake
      bash$ export CMAKE_EXE=../kitware/cmake-1.8.2-build/bin/cmake
      Locate the VTK (build) directory.
      csh $ setenv VTK_DIR /usr/local/src/VTK-4.2.4-build
      bash$ export VTK_DIR=/usr/local/src/VTK-4.2.4-build
      Locate the FLTK (build) directory.
      csh $ setenv FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR /usr/local/src/fltk-1.1.4
      bash$ export FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/src/fltk-1.1.4
      Locate the vtkFLTK (source) directory.
      csh $ setenv VTK_FLTK_SOURCE_DIR ../vtkFLTK-0.6.1
      bash$ export VTK_FLTK_SOURCE_DIR=../vtkFLTK-0.6.1
      Optionally, toggle generation of developer documentation.
      csh $ setenv BUILD_DOCUMENTATION ON
      bash$ export BUILD_DOCUMENTATION=ON
      Optionally, specify the build type (Debug | DebWithRelInfo | Release | ...).
      csh $ setenv CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug
      bash$ export CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
  3. Configure
    • using Installed CMake, VTK, and FLTK
      $ cmake ../vtkFLTK-0.6.1
    • using Built, but not installed, CMake, VTK, and FLTK
      $ ${CMAKE_EXE} \
        -DVTK_DIR:PATH=${VTK_DIR} \
  4. Build
    1. Calculate dependencies and currency.
      $ make depend
    2. Create the binaries.
      $ make
    3. Optionally, generate the developer documentation.
      $ cd ./Utilities/Doxygen
      $ make DoxygenDoc
  5. Install (optional)
    1. Install the binaries and header files.
      $ make install
    2. Optionally, install the developer documentation.
      $ cd ./Utilities/Doxygen
      $ make InstallDoxygenDoc
Summary   (POSIX environments)
Procedure   (Windows environments)
  1. Get your kit together. You'll need the following.
  2. Acquire the latest vtkFLTK source release from
  3. Unpack the vtkFLTK source archive
  4. Create the build folder (out-of-source builds are preferred)
  5. Build (and optionally install) the VTK and FLTK libraries.
  6. Execute CMakeSetup. This will pop-up a little GUI that allows you to tailor the build. It then starts building .dsw and .dsp files for Microsoft, or makefiles for Borland. You'll have to tell CMakeSetup where to find the VTK and FLTK build (or install) sources via the VTK_DIR and FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR variables, respectively . Additionally, you'll have to tell CMakeSetup where you've placed your vtkFLTK source code (e.g. vtkFLTK-0.6.1), and where to build the object code and dll's (e.g. vtkFLTK-0.6.1-build).
  7. When CMakeSetup completes, start up msdev and load VTK_FLTK.dsw (in the vtkFLTK build folder). Select ALL_BUILD project, and build it.
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